ghostbusters meaning in Chinese
- Who you gonna call ? - ghostbusters
-你要打给谁? -捉鬼队 - - who you gonna call ? - ghostbusters
-你要打给谁? -捉鬼队 - Its ghostbusters meets george c . scott s the flim - flam man as a pseudo - ghost catcher , wittily portrayed by kung - fu comedienne wang yi , and catches more than he bargained for
汪禹与师父江洋自称擅于神打而浪迹江湖,后江洋被捕,汪禹则遇正直少女林珍奇,引为知己,同闯江湖 - If a room has any kind of owner restrictions on it , then a " ghostbusters " icon red circle with a diagonal slash through it will be displayed in front of its name see figure 12
若一个房间上有某种类型的所有者限制,则该房间的名称前将显示一个“ ghostbusters ”图标(一个带有斜杠的红色圆圈,参见图12 ) 。