distorition meaning in Chinese
- Hr 8490 is resin for smc it has good mechnical strength , good heat distorition , good cure pertformancesuitable for products with good surface and good electrical performance it can be used for electric parts insustrial part , room car parts
Hr 8490不饱和聚酯树脂是邻苯型smc专用树脂。具有高反应活性增稠性好,制品表面平整,光泽度高,耐水耐热性好等特点。 - Hr 8209 is resin for bmc it has good mechnical strength , good heat distorition , good cure performance suitable for products with good surface and good electrical performance it can be used for electric parts , insustrial part , room , car parts
Hr - 8209bmc专用树脂hr 8209不饱和聚酯树脂是一种高活性bmc用树脂。制的bmc制件表面光亮平整机械强度高电气性能优良。