cycloprothrin meaning in Chinese
- The results showed that cycloprothrin and etofenprox and cypermethrin is highly toxic , moderate toxic and highly toxic to carp respectively
其结论如下:乙氰菊酯、醚菊酯、氯氰菊酯对鲤鱼的急性毒性为分别为低毒、中毒和高毒。 - Advice was given that pyrethroid should be used scientificly , the application concentration of cycloprothrin , etofenprox and cypermethrin of water area should be less than 0 . 685 mg / l , 0 . 057mg / l and 0 . 020 ug / l respectively
本研究正是针对目前拟除虫菊酯农药的管理和使用中存在的这些迫切问题而进行的,研究结果可为拟除虫菊酯的合理使用与安全性评价提供重要科学依据。 - High concentration short - time impact examination showed that the impact of pyrethroid on carp is not severe when the case of concentration is not too high and time is not too long , most of the poisoned carp come back after the carp that exposured high concentration cycloprothrin were transferd to fresh water