centrist meaning in Chinese
〔常 C-〕(议会中的)中间派[中立]议员;稳健派,温和派。
- He has embraced a solution to america ' s immigration mess that is both centrist and sensible
对于美国移民混乱的现状,他采用了一套温和且通情达理的解决方案。 - Republican strategists attribute the turnaround to schwarzenegger ' s return to the centrist persona that got him elected
共和党战略家们将这一转变归功于施瓦辛格还原了他的温和派形象,正是这一点助他当上了州长。 - The rise of the centrist fran ? ois bayrou , who at one point almost overtook the socialist s gol ne royal , has muddied the electoral arithmetic