birendra meaning in Chinese
- Hours before the lecture , crowded buses and people jammed together in front of the city s birendra international convention center
讲经前数小时,柏仁达拉国际会议中心前便已经开始挤满巴士和前来听经的人潮。 - I was one of those at the birendra international conference center of kathmandu , the capital of nepal who listened enthusiastically and attentively to the words of the venerable master ching hai . her talk was truly inspiring and targeted at world peace and the welfare of humankind . i sincerely wish that other people would also have the opportunity to listen to her words of wisdom
? ? ?我是在尼泊尔首都加德满都伯仁达拉国际会议中心听师父讲经的观众之一,当师父讲经时,大家都十分地专注、用心倾听,您的开示启迪人心,并以促进世界和平及人类幸福为宗旨,我真诚希望其他人也都能有机会聆听到您充满智慧的话语。 - I was one of those at the birendra international conference center of kathmandu , the capital of nepal who listened enthusiastically and attentively to the words of the venerable master ching hai . her talk was truly inspiring and targeted at world peace and the welfare of humankind . i sincerely wish that other people would also have the opportunity to listen to her words of wisdom
? ? ?我是在尼泊尔首都加德满都伯仁达拉国际会议中心听师父讲经的观众之一,当师父讲经时,大家都十分地专注用心倾听,您的开示启迪人心,并以促进世界和平及人类幸福为宗旨,我真诚希望其他人也都能有机会聆听到您充满智慧的话语。