actinomadura meaning in Chinese
- So two of them maybe belong to a new genus . according to the results of polyphasic taxonomy , the phylogenetic relationship of thirteen strains were defied that seven strains such as 40001 belong to streptomyces , strain 40009 belong to nocardiopsis , strain 40010 and 40011 belong to micromonospora , strain 40012 belong to streptosporangium ; strain 40007 and 40008 have similar relationship with actinomadura , but their sequence similarity are lower than 97 % , may belong to a new genus
实验获得了13株放线菌16srdna的近乎全序列,将之与genbank中已知序列进行比较,也可以将这13株放线菌划分为5个类群,菌株40001等7株菌与链霉菌属( streptomyces )的菌株进化关系较近,其中菌株40004和波赛链霉菌( streptomycespeucetius )的序列相似性为98 . 03 ; 40013与拒霉素链霉菌( streptomycesresistomycificus )的序列相似性为99 . 02 。