
abramson meaning in Chinese



  1. Rm , suzumura t , matsuoka s . ninf - g : a reference implementation of rpc based programming middleware for grid computing . journal of grid computing , 2002 , 1 : 41 - 51 . 23 abramson d , giddy j , kotler l . high performance parametric modeling with nimrod g : killer application for the global grid
    Gt还提供了大量有用的应用层功能,使用gt4核心组件能够构建更多的工具和组件,它们相互操作,形成更大的“ globus生态圈” ,使用这些工具开发大范围的网格设施和分布式应用。
  2. Mcclelland , atkinson , weiner , ausubel , bandura , seligman and abramson achievement motivation is a kind of psychological inclination of the individual who is striving to pursues in the ativities . as an advanced social motivation , it means a lot to individual develoment and social improvement . from murray , achievement motivation has become a stage on which psychologists exert their wisdom and energy . there is a variety of theories about achievement motivation , here we only take some representive and typical ones as samples

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