Amy held her tongue, but used her eyes, and saw meg slip a fan into her pocket . 阿蜜舌头停下来,眼睛却骨碌碌地转。她瞅见麦格偷偷把一把扇子塞进了口袋里。
Philpot's goggle eyes rolled horribly as he glared silently at the circle and the two squares . 菲尔波特一声不响地注视着那个圆圈和那两个正方形,吓人的大眼睛骨碌碌地转个不停。
He watched the tiny mammal freeze and roll its terrified eyes about in frantic search of the intruder . 他看着那个小小的哺乳动物吓得发呆,惊恐的眼睛骨碌碌乱转,拚命想寻找侵犯它的家伙。
The man's face flamed in a rage begot of whisky. his eyes, rolling, and yet keen for ambush, hunted the still doorways and windows . 这个人因喝醉了威士忌发着狂怒,脸胀得通红。他的眼珠子骨碌碌地直转,但对可能的伏击仍保持着警觉,还搜索着静静的门口和窗口。
Interrupted the other , rolling his eye over the landscape 那人打断了他的话,眼珠对着景物骨碌碌地转。
I wish i could forget the roll of the red eyes and the fearful blackened inflation of the lineaments 但愿我忘掉那双骨碌碌转的红眼睛,那付黑乎乎五官鼓鼓的鬼相! ”
He says something simple , then rolls his eyes in a very childish way and everyone is then laughing so much 他总是说一些很简单的东西,并且像小孩一样骨碌碌地转着他的眼珠子,大家都笑得非常开心。
But when they saw the sinister smile on zhao gao ' s face and his two rolling eyes which were gazing at each of them , they suddenly understood his evil intentions 当看到赵高脸上露出阴险的笑容,两只眼睛骨碌碌轮流地盯着每个人的时候,大臣们忽然明白了他的用意。
" confound you and your punctuality ! " said andrea , throwing himself into a chair in a manner which implied that he would rather have flung it at the head of his host 安德烈说,他走了进去,使劲把帽子一摔,但没摔到椅子上,那顶硬边的制服帽在地板上骨碌碌地转了一个圈。
He rolled his flashing , coal - black eyes , showing the bloodshot whites , and waved a sheathed sword , which he held in a bare hand as red as his face 他那对煤炭一般乌黑的眼珠在发炎的眼白中闪闪发光,骨碌碌地乱转,他那和脸膛一股通红的裸露的小手握着一柄未出鞘的马刀,不时地挥动着。