| 1. | Based on centralized control scheme , we have designed a distributed control system 所以本课题在实现机器人集中控制的基础上,对分布式控制进行初步的探讨。 |
| 2. | There are certain situations , where it seems to make sense to have a centrally - controlled computing environment 在某些环境中拥有集中控制的计算机环境是有意义的。 |
| 3. | The method of this kind of centralized control can raise the consistency that the systematic information shows and transmits 这种集中控制的方法可以提高系统的信息表示与传递的一致性。 |
| 4. | Which enables the development and execution of business process flow logic , which is centrally controlled and outside application logic ,它使业务流程逻辑(它是集中控制的,并位于应用程序逻辑外)能够开发和执行。 |
| 5. | Thus , it is available for the enterprises in scale to develop more enormously and less loosely , more flexibly and less chaotically 这时,企业急需建立一种既能分权又能集中控制的组织结构即联邦分权制,使规模化企业结构庞大而不松散,灵活而不混乱。 |
| 6. | Based on analyzing limitation of centralized control architectures , < wp = 7 > decentralized control associate with global coordination is selected to control the coupling structure 在分析集中控制的局限性的基础上,提出采用局部控制与全局协调相结合的控制策略。 |
| 7. | The esb provides a distributed infrastructure while maintaining centralization of control , requiring some form of service routing directory and perhaps a business service directory as well Esb在维持集中控制的同时提供分布式的基础架构,因而需要一些形式的服务路由目录,并且还可能需要业务服务目录。 |
| 8. | For centrally controlled information , they would typically be part of the external dtd subset , but for convenience , this example shows the declaration of the entity as part of the internal subset 对于集中控制的信息,通常将其作为外部dtd子集的一部分,但是为了方便起见,本示例将实体的声明作为内部子集的一部分。 |
| 9. | Peer - to - peer ( p2p ) network technology can nicely solve these problems which existing network is facing with . so , p2p become the focus of attentions . at the same time , peer - to - peer network is yet frail 同时, p2p网络因为建立在传统的网络之上并具有分布式非集中控制的特点,面临着两个亟待解决的主要问题:发现机制问题和安全机制问题。 |
| 10. | The mobile terminal ( mt ) having the function of ieee 802 . 11 will be called enhanced mt . the enhanced mt which provides the concentrated control for other mts will be called hc , which id is usually substituted by access point ( ap ) 具有ieee802 . 11e功能的移动终端( mt )被称为增强型移动终端,为其他mt提供集中控制的增强型mt被称为混合协调器( hc ) , hc通常由ap来担任。 |