Surrounded by natural grandeur and dotted with mountains , lakes , grassy fields , marshes and secluded hot spring spots , eastern hokkaido features large - scale landscapes unique to the prefecture 雄大大自然包山、湖、草原、湿原秘汤点在风景?道东。
Eastern hokkaido features large - scale landscapes of mountains , lakes , grasslands and marshes , embraced by natural magnificence . in the midst of preserved nature , many wild animals live among attractive wild flowers 雄大大自然包山、湖、草原、湿原等风景?道东。
King - strong enterprises was established in october , 1991 , which governs the jingang ceramic mould factory , xiongdayang grinding factory , jingang diamond tools factory , king - strong ceramic saw blade , jingang polishing and grinding factory and jingang milling factory , colligating ceramic mechanical equipment manufacturing , ceramic mould , diamond tools , polishing and grinding tools and so on as an integration enterprise for production design , processing and installing service 劲刚企业建立于1991年10月,下辖劲刚陶瓷模具厂、劲刚钻石工具厂、劲刚抛光磨具厂、劲刚磨料厂、劲刚陶瓷锯片厂、雄大洋磨具厂,是集陶瓷机械设备制造、陶瓷模具、金刚石工具、抛光磨具等产品设计、加工安装、服务为一体的综合性企业。
Stepping into the museum covering an area of 14 , 000 square meters , we come to pit no . 1 which contains 6 , 000 life - size terracotta warriors and horses . the impressive sight of the figurines lined in neat formation grips the spectators with grandeur and magnificence and capture their admiration 漫步秦俑一号坑前,置身于14000平方米的陈列大厅中,向对着6000余件与真人一样高大的兵马俑时,我们便被一种从未有过的崇高雄大的气势所震摄,心中升起一股由衷的敬意,任何词语都无法准确表达此刻的心情,只觉得自己实在太渺小,太微不足道了。
The ability of being non - inflammable is shown through the fact that the mattress is not inflammable by a burning cigarette ; on fire exposure the mattress does not activate and expand the fire as other materials do ; the mattress rapidly absorbs liquid because it has an openly porous structure , allowing an easy stop of the fire by water Kymdan床垫的防燃烧性能体现在:点燃的香烟掉到床垫上不会著火:在与火势接触时不会造成雄雄大火,而且不象其他物料般迅速将火势蔓延。由于有通气孔透气结构,因此kymdan床垫有迅速吸收的性能,可以容易以水扑灭火种。