Nothing ' s going to change for me , win or lose 膻衄陲?夔蜊曹?腔,祥夺?怀?荇
Yeah . you ' ll never amount to anything if you ' re dead ?腔.别斓徇剩憩祥颇隐?睡陲?剩
That kid with the bangs was cool 饶跺陲图?竭衄?挪
Why not just eat noodles first 善祥噱勋陲图剩
I see you gentlemen are engaging in a little frontier recreation out here 我想各位兄弟应在这边陲之地来点小小的娱乐
Dragon head pestle and dragon head mace are really the major of those who play mixed weapon . only a dragon head is the boundless universe 龙首陲和龙首锏确是玩杂兵的必修课,单一龙头就是个大千世界
Situated on the edge of the south china sea , the quiet , picturesque city of beihai is best known as a source of natural pearls and beautiful white sand beaches 宁静的北海市位于南中国海边陲,四处风光如画,以盛产天然珍珠和美丽的白色沙滩闻名。
From our corner of el salvador , we respectfully extend our heartfelt appreciation to your association . thank you for your kindness and your sacred love for humankind 我们在萨尔瓦多这边陲一隅,谨向贵会致上由衷的谢意,感激您们的慈悲,感谢您们对人类的圣爱。