But some doctors say there is no proof that kevin everett is improving because of hypothermia therapy 但是很多医生说,并没有证明凯文?埃弗雷特是因为降低体温疗法好转的。
Yet studies of hypothermia therapy have shown mixed results . in some cases it may lead to blockages in blood flow and damage to organs 但是降低体温疗法的研究显示出结果多样性。在一些情况下它可能导致阻滞血液流动和损伤器官。
Yet studies of hypothermia therapy have shown mixed results . in some cases it may lead to blockages in blood flow and damage to organs 但是,对降低体温疗法的研究显示了多种不同的结果。在某些案例里,它可能会导致阻塞血液流动并损害人体器官。