English translation for "阿卜杜拉希"
- abdallahi
abdellahi abdillahi abdulahi abdullahe abdullahi
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The first blast , a car bomb , went off as the president ' s motorcade drove by 第一起是汽车炸弹爆炸,当时总统阿卜杜拉希 | | 2. | The president had come to parliament seeking approval of his newly - appointed cabinet 阿卜杜拉希.尤素福当时前往议会,要求议会批准他新任命的内阁。 | | 3. | The first blast , a car bomb , went off as the president ' s motorcade drove by 第一起是汽车炸弹爆炸,当时总统阿卜杜拉希.尤素福的车队正从议会旁边驶过。 | | 4. | A still worse headache for puntland is the departure of its strongman , abdullahi yusuf , to become president of somalia 邦特兰仍然最头痛的就是曾经的强人阿卜杜拉希?优素福离开邦特兰去做了索马里总统。 | | 5. | Somalia ' s foreign minister says at least 11 people were killed in the apparent assassination attempt on somali interim president abdullahi yusuf today 索马里外交部长说,星期一在似乎是针对索马里临时总统阿卜杜拉希.尤素福的暗杀行动中,至少有11人死亡。 | | 6. | Somalia ' s foreign minister says at least 11 people were killed in the apparent assassination attempt on somali interim president abdullahi yusuf today ( monday ) 索马里外交部长说,星期一在似乎是针对索马里临时总统阿卜杜拉希.尤素福的暗杀行动中,至少有11人死亡。 | | 7. | This time the president of the court of appeal , umaru abdullahi , asked petitioners to “ frontload ” their cases , revealing their witnesses and evidence before the hearings start 今年上诉法院院长奥马鲁?阿卜杜拉希要求申诉人“提前提交”他们的案件,在开庭前询问证人和提供证据。 |
- Similar Words:
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