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English translation for "贸易利润"

trading profit

Related Translations:
压缩利润:  squeeze on profit
黄金利润:  gold profit
利润边际:  margin-profit on sales
返还利润:  recovery of profits
利润计量:  profit measurement
发起人利润:  promoter's profit
企业家利润:  entrepreneurial profit
一般利润:  general profit
巨额利润:  fat profit
利润空间:  profit margin
Example Sentences:
1.Decisions in favour of the commissioner were given by the court in respect of appeals concerning the taxability of profits from the sale of property , the source of trading profits , a refusal of the board to grant an extension of time to allow a taxpayer to appeal against a determination of the commissioner , and the taxability of royalties . appeals to the court of appeal have been lodged in respect of the latter two decisions
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