English translation for "贸易利润"
- trading profit
Related Translations:
利润边际: margin-profit on sales 返还利润: recovery of profits 企业家利润: entrepreneurial profit
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Decisions in favour of the commissioner were given by the court in respect of appeals concerning the taxability of profits from the sale of property , the source of trading profits , a refusal of the board to grant an extension of time to allow a taxpayer to appeal against a determination of the commissioner , and the taxability of royalties . appeals to the court of appeal have been lodged in respect of the latter two decisions 在4宗分别有关出售物业的利润是否须要课税、贸易利润的来源、上诉委员会拒绝批准一名纳税人对局长所作决定提出延长上诉期限的申请、以及专利权费是否须征税的个案,原讼法庭裁定局长胜诉,当中后两宗个案的纳税人已就裁决向上诉法庭提出上诉。 |
- Similar Words:
- "贸易扩张法案" English translation, "贸易理事会" English translation, "贸易理事会签署代号" English translation, "贸易理事会签署代号卡" English translation, "贸易利得" English translation, "贸易利润, 贸易利润率" English translation, "贸易利益" English translation, "贸易立法工作组" English translation, "贸易立国" English translation, "贸易联络和出口司" English translation