On family violence of maltreating wives 晚唐五代敦煌归义军节度使多妻制研究
On the power held by military governors during the kaiyuan and tianbao periods in the tang dynasty 唐朝开元天宝时期节度使权力状况析论
Rang yu , a poet living in the middle of tang dynasty , returned hometown at the beginning of dali period and worked in the private secretariat of jingnan supply commissoner , and later acted as assistant to feudal provincial in penzhou 摘要中唐诗人戎昱从大历初年回到故乡在荆南节度使幕府中任职,到大历四年前后在澧州刺史府中作幕僚。
The governor and inspector system of ming and qing follows courter offcial inspecting locality system , which has much to do with the " cishi - system , emissary - system in han dynasty and jie - du - shi system in tang dynasty 摘要明清督抚制度当承袭周秦以来的近官以京秩出监地方的监察制度,它与汉代刺史制度、使者巡行制度、唐代节度使制度等都有着历史上的渊源。