On the theory of art creation of the semiology aesthetics 符号论美学的艺术创造理论
An exploration into the philosophical foundation of the symbological view on arts 符号论艺术观哲学基础探赜
An integrated understanding of middle school chinese reading teaching from symbol aesthetics 从符号论美学看中学语文阅读教学的多元解读
This essay , from an angle of symbol aesthetics thinking , describes the essence and the psychology of chinese reading teaching , the relationship between the " text " and " non - text " 本文将从符号论美学思想出发,围绕中学语文阅读教学的本质及阅读心理、 “本文”与“非本文”的联系展开论述,谈谈怎样实现中学语文阅读教学中的多元解读。
Up to now , there has possibilities to understand and explanation on the question of " performance " from four levels : firstly , the level of he communicative skill and teaching skill , because performance is the certain communicative approach and teaching method . performance on this level belongs to technology and instrumental ism ; secondly , the level of symbolism , language , gesture and motion of the performance are considered as the symbols of the expression , delivery . symbol itself has no meaning , its meaning lies in the user who use the symbol and the thing that symbol indicates ; thirdly , the level of methodology , performance and the study to the performance are thought as the basis of education ( especially pedagogy ) ; fourthly , the level of ontology , performance and the understanding to performance is regarded as the human ' s life existence and the educational element matters 迄今为止,对“表演”问题存在着在四个层次上理解和阐释的可能性:一是作为交际技艺和教学技艺的层次,表演是一种交际手段、教学方法,因而是技术论和工具论的层次, ;二是将表演的语言和姿势、动作等视为表达、传递事物的符号,符号本身没有意义,其意义在于符号的使用者和符号所指代的事物上,是符号论的层次:三是将对交往、表演和表演的理解的研究作为教育学(尤其是教学论)的基础,是方法论的层次:四是将表演和对表演的理解,作为人类生命存在、教育存在的基本事件,因而将其置于本体论的层次上。