China has always been known as a land of propriety band righteousness . 中国从来以礼义之邦著称。
Meat is much , but manner is more 衣食足而后礼义兴。
Ritual philosophy and rite from the confucian theory in the pre - qin dynasty period 先秦儒家思想中的礼义与礼仪
Accordingly ha yi advocated the han system based on the " etiquette " 为此,他制定了以“礼义”为中心的汉家制度。
They also receive instruction in principles such as courtesy , integrity , perseverance , and self - control 练习者也学习一些跆拳道基本原理,例如: “礼义廉耻,克己复礼,百折不屈” 。
Are we courteous and polite ? ( no yelling or scolding . ) don ' t forget historically speaking china was the land of manners and justice 言行有礼貌吗? (不随便发怒骂人。 )莫忘中国古称礼义之邦。
For thousands of years the values of propriety , righteousness , integrity , and honour as advocated in confucianism have well taken root in eastern societies 儒家思想也提倡礼义廉耻,这种思想有几千年的历史,在东方社会根深蒂固。
Dong zhongshu considers " three cardinal guides " instead of " virtue " as legal standard , and emphasizes the state is managed with moral code and justice 董仲舒以“三纲”代替“德”成为法律价值标准,并强调“正礼义”治民以安社稷。
Definitely this is a worthy tradition . yet , to adapt to the coming new era , should n ' t we re - define and re - interpret our time - honoured tradition and values 无疑这是优良的传统,但在21世纪我们是否应为“礼义廉耻”及其有关的传统作新的定位?