Raw lacquer is special local product of china , used by coating materials long ago 生漆是我国特产之一,长期以来一直被作为涂料使用。
Chinese chestnut , chinese gooseberry , golden cypress , eucommia , red sun - cured tobacco and series mountains and plains 县城内盛产江竹豆、玉米、茶叶、油桐茶、生漆、 ?柑、板栗、猕猴桃、黄柏、杜仲、红晒烟以及系列山野。
The yield of walnuts , chestnut , persimmons and other forest products ranks top in the province . 1119 species of traditional chinese medical herbs have an output of over 10 , 000 tons per year 林特产品核桃、板栗、柿子、生漆等产量居全省之首,种药材达1119种,年产万吨以上。
The characteristics and mechanisms of the photooxidative degradation of oriental lacquer films are summarized . the methods of enhancing photostabilization of oriental lacquer film are also reviewed . prospects of improving photostabilization of oriental lacquer film are proposed 本文综述了生漆的光氧化降解特性、光氧化降解机理的研究情况,以及提高生漆抗光氧化性能的改性方法和改性机理,并提出了改进生漆耐候性能的发展方向。
According to the structural characteristic , hybrid materials of polyurushiol and inorganic semiconductor nanoparticles were prepared , which maybe a new king of functional organic - inorganic hybrid material . it would promote the characteristic of urushiol in new areas . searching literature , we did not find a report about polyurushiol / nanoparticles hybrid 根据其结构特点,将无机半导体纳米粒子引入漆酚中得到聚合漆酚无机半导体纳米杂化材料,一方面有可能开发出具有新功能性的有机无机纳米杂化材料,另一方面可使生漆的独特性能在新的应用领域中得到发挥,促进生漆的应用开发研究。
Longling palynoflora comprises of 86 palynomorphs belonging to 61 families , and consist of angiosperms ( 69 . 0 % ) , gymnosperms ( 4 . 6 % ) , pteridophytes ( 24 . 1 % ) and algae ( 2 . 3 % ) . longling palynological data indicate a vertical paleovegetational landscape : humid evergreen broad - leaved forest occurred on the slopes near the deposit site , and dominant elements were castanopsis , lithocarpus , cycobalanopsis , mixed with ericaceae , anacardiaceae and sapindaceae etc , and abundant ferns grew in the forest ; the mixed coniferous / broad - leaved forest and coniferous forest distributed on the area of high elevation , dominant elements were tsuga , pinus , picea and abies 湿性常绿阔叶林分布在沉积地附近,以壳斗科的石栎属、青冈属和栲属为主,混生漆树科、桃金娘科、蓼科、大戟科和金缕梅科的枫香属等植物,林内蕨类植物丰富;针阔叶混交林分布在距沉积地较远海拔较高的山地,主要包括松属,铁杉属,罗汉松属和一些阔叶植物类群;云杉林、冷杉林和铁杉林分布在更高海拔的地区。