English translation for "浮箱"
- air buoyancy tank
air camel air case air compartment buoyance compartment buoyant box caisson dummy float case float tank floating box floating camel floating pontoon pontoon
Related Translations:
浮: Ⅰ动词1.(漂在液体表面) float; drift 短语和例子木筏顺水漂浮。 rafts floated down the river. 她脸上浮起了笑容。 a faint smile played on her face.2.[方言] (在水里游) swim 短语和例子浮过河去 swam across the riverⅡ形容词1.(在表面上的) superficial
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Three dimensional finite element analysis of floating pontoon steel gate 浮箱式钢闸门三维有限元分析 | | 2. | Raising with salvage pontoons 用救难浮箱浮升 | | 3. | Water sports platform , working platform , aquaculture buoys , water sports arena , floating landscape ; floating villas and entertainment construction 二、水上平台、工程浮台、网箱养殖浮箱、水上舞台,水上景观浮体;别墅、娱乐场所。 | | 4. | As dock gate and emergency gate using in standing water , the floating bulkhead has proven to be an effective method for dewatering intakes at dams , dock basin , canals , and hydro plants 但作为控制闸在动水中使用的浮箱门,国内外均鲜见。 | | 5. | But using a floating bulkhead as a door of checkgate is a new concept . because of the complex boundary condition and the fluid - structure interaction , model testing is a very important method of researching in this field 浮箱门在动水中运行时,由于门体和水流的耦合作用和边界条件的影响,其受力情况极其复杂,研究手段以物理模型试验为主。 | | 6. | If there is no over burden at the river bed , the steel pipe pile cannot be inserted , the floating platform will be adopted , during overwater construction , the author ( using zhong - 60 floating box , etc . ) assembled 40t floating crane by his own design , in this way , the floating crane completed the work of overwater transporting and lifting , such as the transporting of s teel pipe pile , inserting , the erecting of overwater construction platform , overwater moving of drill grid crane , lifting of lifting box of cushion cap , pulling out of steel pipe pile 在水上作业中,作者利用中- 60浮箱等设备自行设计、拼制了40t浮吊,完成了水上运输、水上起重等作业,如钢管桩的运输、插打、水上施工平台的搭设、钻机吊车的水上转移、承台吊箱的起吊、钢管桩的拔除等作业。 | | 7. | By hydraulic modeling , this paper describes studies on the stability of a floating bulkhead operating in standing water and flowing water , and it ' s hydrodynamic stability characteristics that distinguish in standing water from in flowing water ; and direct measurements of the forces acting on the model floating body during floating and sinking is taken . as a result , the rotation stress curves are produced and analyzed ; to provide data for optimum operation schedule analyses of the sluice , the relationship of the impact forces acting on the side wall of the gate and the running speed is studied ; the reasons of unstably uplifting of the bulkhead are discussed and the method to solve the problem is also given in this paper 本文结合常州新闸防洪控制工程水工模型试验,系统分析了浮箱门在静水和动水中的稳定性及其影响因素,指出静水稳性和动水稳性的不同特点;试验测定了浮箱门动水运行时的受力情况,给出并分析了定位过程转动力的变化过程曲线;根据浮箱门启闭速度与门体和岸墙之间撞击力大小的关系,选择合理的动力设备,为设计和工程实践提供可靠依据;分析浮箱门难以稳定上浮的原因,并给出解决方案。 | | 8. | Based on the research and model test , the head loss of flap valves is analyzed by both mathematical physics method and the equation of criterion , and the impulsive force and open angle of flap valve are researched . the flap valve approximate - calculation method is the emphases in this paper . the design methods and using effect of air - filled floating flap valve are studied in the paper by combining with engineering example 在总结前人研究的基础上,对照试验结果,通过数理解析和准则方程分析了拍门水头损失,研究了拍门水流冲力的求解和拍门开启角度的求解,着重研究分析了拍门近似计算方法,分析拍门在水中的运动规律,并结合工程实例,研究探讨充气浮箱式拍门的配重方法及其使用效果,为今后开拓充气浮箱式拍门的运用领域作些探讨研究。 |
- Similar Words:
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