高附加值的深加工: down-stream processing with high added-valuetechnology knowledge or capital intensive
水果蔬菜深加工项目: fruit and vegetable deeprocessing project
柑桔深加工项目: mandarin orange and pomelo deeprocessing project
水泥生产技术及深加工产品: technology in producing cement and its deep processing
Example Sentences:
Monolithic cesiumic potassium flameproof glass is a kind of curtain wall or door / window glass with flameproof function . it utilizes physical and chemical methods for treatment of float glass 单片防火玻璃是一种具有防火功能的建筑外墙用幕墙或门窗玻璃。它是采用物理与化学的方法,对优质浮法玻璃深加工而成。