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English translation for "泻水"

water pouring; water drainage
◇泻水勾缝 weathered pointed; 泻水台 water table; 泻水斜坡 weathering

Related Translations:
泻法:  catharsispurgation methodpurgation or reduction in acupuncturereducing methodreduction in acupuncture
泻薯:  convolvulus purga
泻水槽:  weather groove
七情泻:  diarrhea with emotional disorder
泻白散:  lung-heat expelling powderxiebai san
大泻刺:  drainage needlingdrainage neeolingevacuation punctureincise the pustule and discharge the puspus-draining puncturing
中寒泻:  splenogastric cold diarrhea
久泻不止:  chromic diarrheachronic diarrhea
先天性盐泻:  congenital salt diarrhea
泻空时间:  emptying time
Example Sentences:
1.The discharge from the weir opening should be free .
2.To alert oneself of the serious consequence of forgetting to switch off the fire after boiling a kettle of water , try to visualize an elephant dashing into a swimming pool , leading to splashing of water with a banging noise
例如煲水时,想像大象跳进泳池引致水花四溅隆然巨响! ,去提醒自己煲乾水或滚泻水的严重后果。
3.To alert oneself of the serious consequence of forgetting to switch off the fire after boiling a kettle of water , try to visualize an elephant dashing into a swimming pool , leading to splashing of water with a banging noise
例如煲水时,想像大象跳进泳池引致水花四溅、隆然巨响! ,去提醒自己煲乾水或滚泻水的严重后果。
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