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English translation for "极具天赋"

huge talent

Related Translations:
精神天赋:  favored of the spirits
天赋假设:  innateness hypothesis
天赋神力:  divine might
天赋才能:  innate abilityinnate capacityinstinct
魔法天赋:  magical affinity
恶魔天赋:  daemonic gifts
天才天赋:  genius
程天赋:  cheng tianfu
天赋义务:  i: divine duty
天赋资源:  natural resources endowmentresource endowmentresources endowment
Example Sentences:
1.Maggie is a super - talented actress with many big hits
2.The six exceptionally gifted members of quiksilver s skateteam hail from across china
3.As a teacher she was very selective , accepting only a small number of exceptionally gifted pupils
4.Osgood had somehow evaded the attentions of professional clubs until the age of 17 but once at chelsea he was the new prince , and would soon be crowned king of stamford bridge
5.When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities , they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers
6.Malouda is a talented 27 - year - old left winger who has won 28 caps for france and played in the 2006 world cup final , winning the seventh minute penalty converted by zinedine zidane
Similar Words:
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