[ nùfàchōngguān ] be [become] so angry that one's hair raised [lifted] up his hat; bristle with anger; (he) felt angry and (his) hair seemed to stand up.; make one's blood boil; one's hairs stand on end with anger
And it is to you, mr. president, that i shall out this truth, with all the force of my revolt as an honest man . 总统先生,我要向你倾吐事实真相,作为一个正直的人,我不由义愤填膺,怒发冲冠。
Just iet her cooi down . she ' s just biowing off steam 让她“冷静”一下现在正怒发冲冠呢
This idiom came to be used to mean being extremely angry 后来人们用“怒发冲冠”这个成语形容人愤怒到了极点。
Sir francis shook his fists , passepartout was beside himself , and the guide gnashed his teeth with rage 柯罗马蒂紧紧握着拳头,路路通怒发冲冠,向导也忍耐不住了。
Next to his $ 210m severance pay , the redundant woodworkers ' packages were mean to the point of provocation 和高达2亿1千万的解聘金相比,过剩的木工们拿到的补偿简直让人怒发冲冠。
Finally he may drive you wild you ‘ ll surely jump upon him as mad as wet hen because he makes you blow your top 最后他可能会使你很生气,而你将肯定会象弄湿的母鸡一样生气地叱责他,因为他使你怒发冲冠* 。
The wizards will probably play well one night , horribly the next , frequently earning their leader , michael jordan ' s anger , then his wrath , then maybe his rage 华盛顿)奇才队可能对好时坏,一个晚上好得不错,第二个晚上就会很糟糕,因此会惹他们的带头人乔丹生气,抑或使他勃然大怒,甚至怒发冲冠。