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English translation for "微小动物"


Related Translations:
微小:  small; little; tiny 短语和例子微小的进步 meagre progress; 微小的希望 slender hopes; 极其微小 infinitely small; infinitesimal; 微小的可能性 a slim possibility; 微小的区别 a slight difference
微小保护:  microwave protection
极其微小:  diminutiveness
微小国家:  mini-state
微小额:  tiny amount
微小瘤:  tumorlet
微小植物:  microphyte
微小差别:  nuance
微小癌:  minimum cancer
微小球蛋白:  microglobulin
Example Sentences:
1.Others believed that they were formed from the "seeds" or "germs" of these animalcules .
2.Animalcules could never appear unless new air somehow entered the flask and came in contact with the infusion .
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