Provides information related to the websams system -为私人补习导师登记待聘资料。
Start up insurance agency from united sates has the following openings 美资保险代理有所述职位待聘。
Practice and reflections on the reposition and settlement of personnel for reemployment at universities 高等学校待聘人员分流安置的实践与思考
During the research of the practice of the faculty appointment in colleges and universities , the dissertation that paid on two aspects the steps and the methods included the following steps : ( 1 ) arrangement of positions for appointment ; ( 2 ) definition of methods of appointment ; ( 3 ) establishment of the system for assessment ; ( 4 ) formulation of system of payment ; ( 5 ) arrangement of the person who is out of work or looking for a job . the measurements and stratagems were : ( 1 ) to definite the roles of government and colleges or universities ; ( 2 ) to establish the reasonable mechanism of encouragement , competition and elimination ; ( 3 ) to expand the flowing channel of talents ; ( 4 ) to formulate the system of beginner " s qualification of a faculty 具体的实践环节包括: (一)设置聘任岗位; (二)确定聘任方式; (三)建立考核体系; (四)制订薪酬制度; (五)安排落聘、待聘事务;具体的对策措施包括: (一)明确政府和高校在教师职务聘任制中的作用; (二)建立合理的激励、竞争和淘汰机制; (三)开拓高校人才流动渠道; (四)制订社会化的高校教师起点资格认证制度; (五)健全教师职务聘任制度的社会保障体系; (六)设立人事仲裁机构,依法实施聘任制。