| 1. | They customarily went into battle side by side with their men . 他们向来都同士兵并肩作战。 |
| 2. | None the less we rejoiced to have this mighty nation in the battle with us . 虽然如此,我们仍然欢迎这个强大的国家同我们并肩作战。 |
| 3. | The texture of these troops would, by the late spring, be equal to those they will have to meet to stand beside . 这些部队的质量,到了明年春季晚期,就可以同与它们正面对垒或并肩作战的部队实力相等。 |
| 4. | Now this song which he made in the hour of our victory, is something less than just to me, who stood beside him in the tussle . 他这支在我们胜利的时刻中作成的歌曲,对我这个和他并肩作战的人,未免有点不太公平。 |
| 5. | What happened to the woman who used to fight by my side 和我并肩作战的老婆呢? |
| 6. | I am not a hero , but i served with heroes 我不是英雄,但我和英雄一起并肩作战。 |
| 7. | All my life , i ' ve stood by your side , fought your enemies 我愿意一生与你并肩作战 |
| 8. | We joined forces with lashandra and lashindra 我们和莱珊德拉还有莱辛德拉并肩作战 |
| 9. | We joined forces with lashandra and lashindra 我们和莱珊德拉还有莱辛德拉并肩作战 |
| 10. | Boss : my friends . . . let us fight together again 朋友们,我们又并肩作战了。 |