| 1. | New generations tend to be more neutral 新一代卡帕克龙人更趋向于中立。 |
| 2. | When scouting or spying , kapaks dress in dark color and avoid cumbersome armor 当搜索或者侦察的时候,卡帕克龙人穿着深色服装,同时避免装备重甲。 |
| 3. | Kapak lands : many surviving kapaks have joined their brethren in the draconian nation in teyr 卡帕克龙人的领地:许多仍然生存的卡帕克龙人加入了他们的同胞在提尔的龙人国度。 |
| 4. | Kapaks outfitted for battle wear standard military dress , but prefer lighter forms of armor that won ' t slow their movement 对于战斗,卡帕克龙人配备标准军用服装,但更喜欢不会影响他们动作的轻型装甲。 |
| 5. | Alignment : kapak draconians are usually evil , especially the firse generation that was raised to fight in the war of the lance 阵营:卡帕克龙人通常是邪恶的,特别是在长枪战争中培育出的第一代卡帕克龙人。 |
| 6. | Male kapak often enjoy taking " trophies " from fallen foes , so their decorations tell the story of slain enemies 男性卡帕克龙人通常喜欢携带取自他们所杀死敌人的“战利品” ,他们的饰品讲述着被他们杀死的敌人的故事。 |
| 7. | Physical desciption : kapak are larger and more draconic than baaz , with elongated reptilian snouts , sharp - toothed maws , and horned heads 物理描述:卡帕克龙人比巴兹龙人更大而且更像龙,他们有细长的爬虫类鼻口部,锋利的獠牙和生角的头部。 |
| 8. | Kapaks are at ease only with other draconians , for all other races regard them as eiter enemies of arrow fodder ( stemming from the war of the lance ) 卡帕克龙人只有和其他龙人一起的时候感觉自在,因为所有其他种族都把他们都把他们当成是敌人或者是箭靶子(起源于长枪战争) 。 |
| 9. | In the age of motrals , some kapaks found service with the new dragon overlords , particularly beryllinthranox . since her death , most have returned to teyr 在凡人年代,一部分卡帕克龙人开始服侍新兴的巨龙霸主,尤其是碧利林萨拉诺克丝。自她死后,大部分卡帕克龙人返回了提尔。 |
| 10. | Some might ally with members of another evil race ( ogres , minotaurs , goblins ) , but such an alliance is for the sake of convenience , not out of trust or respect 有些卡帕克龙人会同其他邪恶种族的成员结盟(食人魔、牛头人、地精) ,但这样的联盟是由于实际利益而并非是出自信任或者尊重。 |