“ i ' ll leave the palace for my husband ' s death ! " that time , dourgen had said bye to world 我有离开皇宫了因为我丈夫的离去! “那时,多尔衮已辞世。
But how many people still remember its stories in the golden times with duo er gun , the founder of qing dynasty 还有多少人知道,曾经叱咤风云的多尔衮与普度寺辉煌时期的故事呢?
Sourdrang : " i know her infamies that she added poison to dourgen ' s medicine , but punishing her needs enough evidences ! 孝庄: “我知道她往多尔衮汤药里下毒的罪行,但是纠出她还需要十足的证据! ”