| 1. | Talking about humanities education in medical education 略论医学教育中的人文教育 |
| 2. | Norm essay , improve the quality of essay 兼评广西中等医学教育第三次学术会入编论文 |
| 3. | Layer teaching in vocational medical education 层次教学策略在职业医学教育中的应用 |
| 4. | Humanistic spirit in higher medical education 人文精神在高等医学教育中的体现 |
| 5. | Global minimum essential requirements in medical education 全球医学教育最低基本要求 |
| 6. | Self - cme of physicians in orthopedics department 中医骨伤科医师继续医学教育自学体会 |
| 7. | Fit software tests to code needs 医学教育要适应新时期卫生改革和发展的需要 |
| 8. | Medical education and rural health human resources 医学教育改革与加快农村卫生人才培养 |
| 9. | General hospital ' s practice in family medicine education 全科医学教育培训的实践与展望 |
| 10. | The education and training of family medicine doctors in rietnam 越南的家庭医学教育和培训 |