Cause you left me here behind , a stupid state of mind , and i m lonely 一侪人一生有几多七八年你滕我也好我滕你也好
Imported vijiu ( rice wine ) go on sale this afternoon , and each person is limited to two bottles 进口耶米酒今阿日下晡开始卖,一耶郎限尚侪两矸。
I must admit to feeling a bit of trepidation as i stand before this room of china hands 我必须承认,侪身于这个中国通济济一堂的会议厅,我不免有点胆怯。
A preprint is any version prior to peer review and publication , usually the version submitted to a journal 任何一个版本之前预印本侪审查和出版物,通常的版本提交给期刊
Medical experts at the seminar suggested a need for more public awareness campaigns and routine blood - pressure checks 医疗专家伫探讨会建议爱卡侪公众了解活动参平素时仔血压量测。
The moe responded by saying they did not want to overwhelm students with too many languages ( mandarin , english ) and alphabets 教育部耶反应是讲囡仔若是一声艾学箱侪种语言(华语、英语)及几落套符号,惊耶学袂来。
New reduced rates for cable tv will become effective starting the new year , forcing many cable operators to drop hbo , the most expensive service 过年开始有线电视规定艾减收费。真侪业者无法度按算停搬尚贵耶hbo频道。
However , they are not selling as well as the alcohol & tobacco monopoly bureau expected , because many consumers don ' t trust the imported brand 毋恪目前卖了无像菸酒公卖局所想耶遐抢市,因为真侪郎想讲进口货耶滋味卡输。
Starting tomorrow , students who passed the college entrance exam can turn in the application cards for their preferred majors , up to 66 preferences 明阿载开始,联考考有调耶学生会使开始开始交志愿卡,尚侪会使填六十六耶志愿。
Teachers teach students skills such as peer mediation or conflict resolution , appropriate classroom and recess behavior , empathy , and avoidance of drugs and alcohol 有系统的教导正面性的社会行为,如同侪协商、冲突解决技巧等。