| 1. | Strongbow thus became king of leinster . 斯特朗博就此成了伦斯特国王。 |
| 2. | Mr. lawrence's day was over . 劳伦斯先生得意的日子已经完蛋了。 |
| 3. | The fame of d.h lawrence rests mainly on his novels . DH劳伦斯主要以小说著名。 |
| 4. | We knew luns as a staunch friend of the united states . 我们把伦斯看成是美国坚定的朋友。 |
| 5. | Jod put off rundstedt . 约德对伦斯德置之不理。 |
| 6. | Later i heard that rundstedt laughed off the alarm . 后来,我听说伦斯德对这种惊慌一笑置之。 |
| 7. | Everyone knew that clifton lawrence was finished . 人们都明白,克利夫顿劳伦斯已经日薄西山了。 |
| 8. | Clifton lawrence dismissed his words with a wave of his hand . 克利夫顿劳伦斯一挥手,打断他的话。 |
| 9. | It discharges three times as much water as the st. lawrnce . 它流出的水量有圣罗伦斯河的三倍那么多。 |
| 10. | Clifton lawrence rose from his chair and began to pace . 克利夫顿劳伦斯从椅子上站起身来,开始踱步。 |