| 1. | Q . 2 what is the lack in the church of ephesus 问题2 .以弗所教会缺乏的是什么 |
| 2. | 2 tim . 4 : 12 but tychicus i have sent to ephesus 提后四12我已经打发推基古往以弗所去。 |
| 3. | And tychicus have i sent to ephesus 12我已经打发推基古往以弗所去。 |
| 4. | It is up to us to run that race . ephesians 4 : 1 puts it this way 以弗所书四章这样说,圣保罗这样写道: |
| 5. | And he sailed from ephesus 于是开船离了以弗所。 |
| 6. | Ephesus , robber synod of 以弗所强盗会议449年 |
| 7. | Ecumenical council of ephesus 以弗所会议 |
| 8. | Ephesus , council of 以弗所会议 |
| 9. | The next preaching series is the book of ephesians . please read the book once 下一个讲道系列是以弗所书。请弟兄姐妹把以弗所书读一遍。 |
| 10. | Until someone shared with me what the bible says in : ephesians 2 : 8 9 . . . 但是有一天有个人对我说出在圣经的以弗所书二章八节至九节是这样写的: |