English translation for "人体全身振动环境的测量规范"
- specification for measurement of human exposure to whole-body vibration environment
Related Translations:
人体解剖学: anthropotomyvan de graaff human anatomy 人体测验: anthropometric test 人体力学: body mechanieshuman body mechanics 人体意识: consciousness of personality 人体漫游: human body,thethe human body 人体自燃: spontaneous human combustion
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Specification for measurement of human exposure to whole - body vibration environment 人体全身振动环境的测量规范 |
- Similar Words:
- "人体浅表部位" English translation, "人体球虫病" English translation, "人体曲线" English translation, "人体躯干模型" English translation, "人体屈曲度" English translation, "人体全血清" English translation, "人体缺陷的" English translation, "人体热量计" English translation, "人体人子形绷带" English translation, "人体忍耐力试验" English translation