English translation for "乳垫"
- breast pad
Related Translations:
垫: Ⅰ动词1.(用东西支、铺或衬, 使加高、加厚或平正) put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it level; fill up; pad 短语和例子垫路 repair a road by filling the holes; 桌子腿底下垫点纸就平了。 put a wad of paper under the leg of 乳: Ⅰ动词(生殖) give birth to 短语和例子孳乳 breed; multiplyⅡ名词1.(乳房) breast2.(奶汁) milk 短语和例子炼乳 condensed milk; 母乳 the mother's milk3.(像奶汁的东西) any milk-like liquid 短语和例子豆乳 bean milkⅢ形容词(初生的) newborn (ani
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | You may use nursing pads in your bra , to help absorb the milk 可考虑在胸围内放置乳垫,吸收过多的乳汁。 | | 2. | Place nursing pad inside the bra and change frequently to keep the breasts clean and dry 你可使用乳垫并时常更换,以保持干爽。 | | 3. | Use nursing padscotton towels to absorb the leaking milk , and change them frequently 胸围内放置乳垫或棉质毛巾,用以吸收溢出的母乳,但必须勤加更换。 |
- Similar Words:
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