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you’ll forget in time,yes you will
只要给自己一点时间  detail>>
forget you not
忘不了你  detail>>
to forget you and to
要忘了你然后  detail>>
to forget you is to forget myself
忘掉你想忘掉我  detail>>
forget to ask you
(忘记了问你  detail>>
i can not forget you
忘记你我做不到  detail>>
i cannot forget you
忘记你我做不到  detail>>
i will never forget you
永不忘怀  detail>>
i will not forget you
我不会忘记你  detail>>
if you just forget
如果只是遗忘  detail>>
you are too hard to forget
你是如此难以忘记  detail>>
if you forget my name you will go astray
若是你遗忘我的名字  detail>>
the more you know,the more you forget
忘记得越多,知道得越少,为什么学来着?! 学得越多,知道得越多  detail>>
an experience you will never forget
一次终身难忘的经历  detail>>
forget the love i had for you
忘掉我对你的爱  detail>>
i wanted you to forget me
我要你忘了我  detail>>
really something you can forget
像我忘记那样  detail>>
she is the one that you never forget
见过她你便永远不能忘记 她就是那个你永远不能忘记的人  detail>>