| 1. | He delivered a blistering attack on the united nations general assembly in new york . 他在纽约向联合国大会发表讲话,对美国进行了极其恶毒的攻击。 |
| 2. | The united nations general assembly is held annually 联合国大会一年召开一次 |
| 3. | With regard to the latter , i spent a long time on the subject when i spoke at the united nations general assembly in 1974 关于国际经济新秩序,早在一九七四年我在联合国发言时,就用了很长时间讲这个问题。 |
| 4. | Serbia to offer kosovo solution of independence believed to be acceptable to all sides during 62nd united nations general assembly 赛尔维亚提供科索沃独立方案,具信在第六十二次联合国大会中可被各方所接受。 |
| 5. | At the united nations general assembly , the un reaffirmed its commitment to an independent sovereign state in palestine and gave the plo observer status at the united nations 联合国大会重申了同意在巴勒斯坦土地上建立一个独立的主权国家,给予巴解组织联合国观察员地位。 |
| 6. | Soviet invasion of afghanistan : the united nations general assembly passes united nations resolution 37 / 37 , stating that soviet union forces should withdraw from afghanistan 1982年,苏联入侵阿富汗:联合国大会全体会议通过联合国第37 37号决议,决定苏联军队应当从阿富汗撤军。 |
| 7. | Mr bush went on to say that he would use an address to the united nations general assembly next week " to call upon the world to recognise that he is stiffing the world " 总统似乎觉得这样的形容还不够生动,他还打算在下周的联合国大会上"号召各国看清萨达姆'僵化全世界'的真面目。 |
| 8. | A 2004 world health organization report and the subsequent collaboration of 42 agencies worldwide led the united nations general assembly to pass a road safety resolution last year 一个2004年的世界卫生组织的报告和后继出现的来自全世界42个机构的协作导致联合国大会去年通过了一项道路安全解决方案。 |
| 9. | China conscientiously attends meetings of the united nations general assembly , the first committee which considers issues on disarmament and international security and the disarmament commission of the united nations 中国以认真的态度参加联合国大会和负责审议裁军与安全问题的第一委员会以及联合国裁军审议委员会会议。 |