Another reform measure this year is the introduction of a series of measures to strengthen the support and advancement of service quality . at a time when understaffing and overloading is commonplace , more stress from higher demand for quality service is anticipated . we are prepared for the pressure and changes that come along . all our staff members affirm the need to provide quality service , as we clearly state in our mission statement that striving for excellence is our common goal 在人手紧迫以及庞大工作量要求的环境下,对优质服务的要求肯定会带来压力和适应的需要,服务处全体同工对提供有素质的服务是肯定的,一如同工们在使命宣言中明言求卓越是我们共同的承担,问题是在推行优质服务的过程中怎样去界定优质,以及如何去平衡资源、需要的优先次序以及量与质,在本年度我们已踏出了具体的步伐。