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a tree
树状 一棵树 一蔸树  detail>>
in a tree
在树上  detail>>
in the tree
在树上(非树本身)  detail>>
in tree
内树型 入树  detail>>
into tree
放在树中  detail>>
on the tree
长在树上的,如果实一类的。 在树上(本身生出的) 在树上(果实等)  detail>>
or tree
或树  detail>>
s tree
无私奉献的树  detail>>
 n.  特里〔姓氏〕。  n.  1.树〔主要指乔木,也可指较大的灌木〕。 ★玫瑰可以称为 bush, 也可以称为 tree.&...  detail>>
avenue tree, street tree
行道树  detail>>
dependency tree, dependent tree
依存关系树  detail>>
embedding of tree in another tree
一树嵌入另一树中  detail>>
genealogical tree(family-tree)
系谱树;系统树  detail>>
older tree and famous tree
古树名木  detail>>
specific tree-by-tree cross
树木之间特定杂交  detail>>
the olive-tree and the fig-tree
敢榄树和无花果  detail>>
ti tree tea tree
钛树  detail>>
tree after tree
一棵又一棵树  detail>>