n. 怒喝的人,咆哮如雷的人。 the T- 1.=【罗马神话】朱庇特(Jupiter)。 2.〔英谑〕伦敦泰晤士报 (The Times) 的外号。
Example Sentences:
Human victims were immolating to the thunderer . 旧时宰杀活人祭雷神。
By doing this he will earn the favour of the thunderer , and he will be placed among the blessed 他这样做,会得到怒喝的人的宠爱,并且会被放置在受祝福者当中。
Next will come the revenge of the thunderer , and every one of the farmer ' s fields will be a disappointment 下一步会是怒喝的人的复仇,农田的每一个人会变得失望。
In thundelarra , a small station in the wilderness of the australian outback , it is easy to imagine space for a quidditch stadium - and so the thundelarra thunderers , who dominated the australian quidditch league for much of the twentieth century , call this region their home ( qa8 ) 在桑德拉雷,一个澳大利亚内地的荒无人烟的小站,容易联想到魁地奇场地-因此而想到桑德拉雷公神队,此队支配了澳大利亚魁地奇联盟20世纪的大多数时间,称这个地方为他们的家乡