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the king’s man
王的男人  detail>>
king-man chik
植敬雯  detail>>
man who would be king the
大战巴墟卡  detail>>
man who would be king,the
可能成为国王的人;霸王铁金刚  detail>>
the man who would be king
霸王铁金刚  detail>>
among the blind the one-eye man is king
独眼称王 瞎子国里  detail>>
among the blind the one-eyed man is king
一个没钱的人很快穿过市场  detail>>
for the king
为了国王  detail>>
 n.  1.王,国王,君主 (opp. subject); (部落的)首领,魁首。 2.(某界)巨子,…大王。 3.王一样的东西。 4.(...  detail>>
no king
无人至尊  detail>>
the king
北天的星座 位在仙后座旁边  detail>>
king and no king
王与非王  detail>>
 短语和例子   comb. f. (pl. -men)  1.〔职业〕…人:postman, dustman, clergymen.&nb...  detail>>
a man
一个男人  detail>>
as a man
一致地, 如同一人地, 就他个人的品德而言  detail>>
be a man
拿出点勇气来  detail>>
be the man
成为爱人 做个男子汉  detail>>
in man
人的放射性白内障  detail>>