| 1. | The fight against aids will be a longdrawnfight 与艾滋病的斗争将会是一场旷日持久的拉锯战。 ” |
| 2. | " the fight against aids will be a long drawn fight . 与艾滋病的斗争将会是一场旷日持久的拉锯战。 ” |
| 3. | He has been heavily involved in the fight against aids since the late 1980s and was knighted in 1998 从20世纪80年代末,他开始投身于抗击艾滋事业,并于1998年获封爵位。 |
| 4. | Every weapon in the fight against aids needs to pass these same two tests ? it has to work and people have to use it 每种对付爱滋病的武器都需要两种测试? ?它必须有效,并且人们都必须用它。 |
| 5. | Still , the director of the united nations aids program , peter piot says there are signs of progress in the fight against aids 世界爱滋病日,南非持反对意见的人批评健康组织部长对抗病毒药品在爱滋病治疗中的作用的概念的混淆。 |
| 6. | A major contributor to the fight against aids , aguilera has participated in the whats going on ? cover project for aids project los angeles artists against aids Aguilera也凭借这张专辑登上了当年秋天滚石杂志的封面。单曲她也从此奠定了流行小天后的歌坛地位。 |