| 1. | The subcommittee discussed the information paper on " west kowloon reclamation concept plan competition - report of the technical panel " dated january 2002 小组委员会讨论于2002年1月发表的关于"西九填海区概念规划比赛-技术评估委员会报告"的资料文件。 |
| 2. | The chairman is lord rothschild , a jury member of the pritzker architecture prize . " it will be assisted by a technical panel , comprising local experts , and an experienced professional advisor 萧炯柱表示:评审团会由一个成员包括本地专家的技术评估委员会及一位富经验的专业顾问协助。 |
| 3. | The entire judging process of the concept plan competition , including that by the technical panel and the jury , was done without any participants knowing the identity of the author 评审过程公开而具透明度,个别建议书的分数是否会公开?在当初的设计比赛中,在技术上得分最高的计划没被选中,是否因为foster的声誉? |
| 4. | " the next step is for a technical panel to undertake a technical assessment of all of the entries by the end of this year as preparation for consideration of the entries by the jury early in 2002 , " mr tsang said 比赛的下一步是由技术评估委员会对所有参赛作品进行技术评估,预计在今年年底前完成工作,以便评审团在明年初评审作品。 |
| 5. | " the next step is for a technical panel to undertake a technical assessment of all of the entries by the end of this year as preparation for consideration of the entries by the jury early in 2002 , " mr tsang said 比赛的下一步是由技术评估委员会对所有参赛作品进行技术评估,预计在今年年底前完成工作,以便评审团在明年初评审作品。 |
| 6. | " the government aims to launch the competition in april . participants will be given three months to prepare their submissions . all entries will be initially assessed by a technical panel to be chaired by the director of planning . 他说:政府计划在四月举行该项比赛,参赛者有三个月时间准备参赛作品,所有参赛作品会由规划署署长作主席的技术评审团作初步评审。 |
| 7. | " the government aims to launch the competition in april . participants will be given three months to prepare their submissions . all entries will be initially assessed by a technical panel to be chaired by the director of planning . 他说:政府计划在四月举行该项比赛,参赛者有三个月时间准备参赛作品,所有参赛作品会由规划署署长作主席的技术评审团作初步评审。 |
| 8. | " we expect very spirited discussions on how the accounting profession , worldwide , could be revitalized and the accounting education reformed . " on schedule are six keynote speakers , 17 educational and technical panels . more than 200 research papers will be presented 除由二百多名代表提交其研究报告外,大会设多个会计教育论坛,主题包括环球化与会计教育,电子学习及教学成效, |