And tell you if it carries an ounce or a shipload 一座山上的金子的多少
Easily distracted by futile “ get rich quick ” schemes , they actually sent shiploads of mica and yellow ore back to england in 1607 and 1608 由于“迅速发财”的不切实际的想法的驱使,他们在1607和1608年竟然把成船的云母和黄铁矿石运往英国。
Huge warehouses were built in san simeon to store the shiploads of splendid antiques , including entire carved ceilings and walls hung with enormous tapestries 在圣西蒙创造了巨大的仓库存放成船的贵重古董,全部雕花的天花板以及用巨大挂毯装饰的墙壁。
The fda database also fails to disclose the quantity of products that are refused , so it is impossible to know whether just a box of cucumbers was refused or a shipload Fda的数据也不能反映出被拒产品的数量,因此,也无法知道究竟是一箱还是一船的黄瓜被拒。
Shiploads of sweaters are piling up on europe ' s doorstep , while european retailers and their customers are facing a “ sweater - buying season ” with far less choice than usual 一船一船的毛衣堆积在欧洲的大门口,在这个“购买毛衣的季节” ,欧洲零售商和消费者的选择却比平时少得多。
The lords of the moon , theosophos told me , an orange - fiery shipload from planet alpha of the lunar chain , would not assume the etheric doubles and these were therefore incarnated by the ruby - coloured egos from the second constellation 西奥索弗斯对我说,月亮上的君主乃是太阳系游星阿尔法用船送来的桔黄色火焰。不凭灵气来再现自己,以第二星座之红玉色的自我为化身。 ”