You can also establish a foreign key in a secondary table to link with a primary key in a primary table 您还可以在次表中建立外键,以链接主表中的主键。
You could apply the concept of normalization to remove redundant portions of the tables and place them in secondary tables 您可以应用规范化的概念删除表的冗余部分,然后将它们放在次表中。
Between the key attribute and the attribute bound to the foreign key in the secondary table that links the underlying dimension tables 在键属性与绑定到辅助表中链接基础维度表的外键的属性之间定义。
Between the attribute bound to foreign key in the secondary table and each non - key attribute bound to columns from the secondary table 在绑定到辅助表中外键的属性与绑定到辅助表中各列的每个非键属性之间定义。