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English translation for "possesion"


Related Translations:
civil possesion:  民事上的占有
Example Sentences:
1.Site office works area possesion
2.Quick tip : help i am losing possesion every time my team gets the ball
问题解答:求助,我每次当我的球队拿到球的时候总是丢掉对球的控制! !
3.Keep interested in your own career , however humble ; it is a real possesion in the changing fortunes of time
4.Anakin ? skywalker : attchment is forbidden . possesion is forbidden . compassion whoch i would define as unconditional love is central to a jedi ' s life
5.For teens , spears and hilton topped lindsay lohan , who spent 84 minutes behind bars this year for a drunken driving and caffeine possesion conviction , and beyonce
在十几岁的孩子们看来, “小甜甜”和希尔顿比林赛?洛翰和碧昂丝更淘气,今年,林赛因酒后驾车及携带咖啡因入狱84分钟。
Similar Words:
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