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English translation for "perturbance"

Example Sentences:
1.Satellite perturbance motion
2.The rotary vibration influence on the transmitted light intensity ' s perturbance of the glan taylor prism
3.Finally , convergent geometry had an important effect on the perturbance coupling between the interfaces of the finite fluid . the attenuation factor of perturbance coupling from the outer interface in was greater than the one from the inner out
4.In term of the probability of communication system and perturbance theory , the model of the effect of srs to error bit ratio in communication system is established . through the way numerical of simulation , limitations to srs to error bit ration of communication system and input optical power , the number of channel etc are discussed . the obtained conclusion has definitely reference value to the design of practical communication
5.In the positioning servo - system , which generally is configured by the d . c . pulse width modulator ( pwm ) velocity governing system and position servo - loop , the parameter perturbance of pwm velocity loop really exist by reason of such as the load behavior ; power voltage supply ; operating setting value , etc . 1 , 2 , and it cannot be ignored . by using the identification technique to form the mathematical model of the system , authors have confirmed the facts . therefore , to design the discrete sliding mode controller ( dsmc ) of the positioning servo - system , the perturbed parameters value bounds of the pwm velocity loop , which is as the controlled plant of position servo - loop , should be accounted . consequently , the design principle of dsmc for accounting system with parameter perturbance is proposed by the authors . the proposed method can ensure the stability of system with parameter perturbance and the behavior of non - overshoot , fast precise positioning . in order to reveal the effects of the design method , the comparative research work is done by the authors . also , it has been tested in an industrial experiment , the results proved it is satisfactory
由直流脉宽调速系统( pwm )和位置环构成的定位系统中,速度环的参数随负载特性;电网电压;给定工况而摄动是不容忽视的.作者通过系统辨识建模也证实了这一事实1 , 2 .因此在设计位置环的离散滑模控制时,必须针对速度环(即位置环的控制对象)的参数摄动范围采用“对象参数摄动离散滑模控制器的设计方法” ,以确保系统在参数摄动时的稳定性和快速、无超调、准确定位的优良动态品质.为剖析该设计方法的控制效果,本文作了对比性研究,并将该设计方法用于工业试验中,取得了满意的结果
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