Pass - by - value semantics in java applications Java应用程序中的按值传递语义
The c language uses both pass - by - value and pass - by - reference argument passing mechanisms C + +语言同时使用按值传递和按引用传递的参数传递机制:
Indicates that a modified method argument should be interpreted as having object passed - by - value semantics 指示修饰的方法参数应解释为具有按值传递对象的语义。
Serialization is best suited when data needs to be shared in a java language - specific format among multiple jvms as done in rmi s pass - by - value mechanism 在需要在多个jvm之间以java语言特定格式共享数据(例如用rmi的按值传递机制共享数据)时,序列化最适合不过。