Some economists warn that chinese cities are becoming so overbuilt they face a price collapse 部分经济学家警告说,中国的城市正面临房屋供大于求的局面,价格可能会出现大幅下跌。
The lack of data leaves prospective buyers at loss when faced with a hard sell from buyers - - and may keep the developers , themselves , from sensing the extent of their overbuilding 数据的匮乏会令可能的买家在遇到花言巧语的推销时上当,也会令开发商自己无从了解供大于求的程度。
While overbuilding occurred among small centers in some regions of the united states , shopping centers remained the most attractive and best - performing real estate category for investors during this dif ? cult period 当时在美国一些地区已出现了建造过多小的购物中心的现象,因为在这困难时期,在房地产领域中,购物中心最吸引人并且又最好的业绩表现。
Their biggest concerns are preventing seepage under or through the embankment , stabilizing the slopes , and overbuilding to counteract settling , which can be up to 5 percent for soils compacted during construction and 15 percent for uncompacted material 工程师最注意的几点包括防止堤防底部或内部出现渗流、稳定边坡,以及超量建造以防止沉降,也就是在建造时增加5 %压实土壤和15 %未压实物料。