| 1. | The first organizations of consequence in the west were governmental, religious, and military institutions . 在西方,最初有影响的组织是政府机构、宗教机构和军事机构。 |
| 2. | Military institution reform was one of the main content 军事制度改革是新政的重要内容之一。 |
| 3. | Public key infrastructure ( pki ) has been used in trades , government departments and military institutions 公钥基础设施( pki )已经在商业、政府部门和军事机构中投入使用。 |
| 4. | The achievements of military institution reform could n ' t resolve all the problems , that economic power and the turbulence of the social environment 清末军制改革所取得的成果并不能掩盖其所存在的问题。 |
| 5. | All the above conditions decided , there must exist some deficiencies in the military institution reform at the end of qing dynasty 改革者的私心太重、经济实力的不济以及外部社会环境的动荡,决定了清末军制改革存在缺陷。 |
| 6. | The military institution reform at the end of qing dynasty marked the establishment of chinese military modernization and also created further influence 清末军制改革标志着中国军事近代化的基本确立,并且对中国的民族精神产生深远的影响。 |
| 7. | The chinese wanted their students to attend military institutions , such as the naval academy and west point . this was too much for the american government 中国希望自己的学生可以进入军事院校如naval academy和西典军校学习,但在美国政府看来,这是不可能的。 |
| 8. | The department preserves reports from active armies dating from the first days of the war concerning servicemen who were killed , missing , died from wounds and other reasons in large and small units as well as various military institutions 该部保存了现役军人的报告,自战争第一天起的,有关各大小单位及各类军事组织里的服役者阵亡,失踪,伤死及其他情况。 |
| 9. | This thesis is classified into four parts as follows . the first part is about organization and training of the new - style land forces . this part mainly describes the military institution of new - style land forces and specific organization and training 本文的写作内容分为以下四部分:一、新军的编练此部分主要考察新式陆军的军事制度和具体编练状况,是论文的重点部分。 |
| 10. | And this thesis mainly tells how the modern military institution formed by depicting the development of military institution at the end of qing dynasty and analyzing its features and influences . moreover , this thesis insights the achievements of the military modernization at the end of qing dynasty 本文通过描述清末军制改革的发展概况,简要分析其特点与影响,旨在厘清清朝新的军事力量体制的形成过程,进而透视清末军事近代化的成就。 |