Well , from what i hear from everyone , he ' s such a mensch 我听说他是个很正直的人
Thank you , sir , for helping us ; you are a real mensch 先生,谢谢你帮助我们;你真是一个好人。
A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person 一个令人尊敬的人是灵敏且有教养的。
Is he / she a mensch 他/她是否是一个令人尊敬的人?
Hey , lou epstein , i want you to meet a real mensch , chuck schwartz 嘿,我是卢爱泼斯坦,我向你们引见查克施瓦兹
A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person . how can you test ? here are some suggestions 正人君子意味着一个人的高尚和感性。你如何才能测试这一点?这里是一些建议。
Table hermit mensch chaifei in this set off a pine tree , the poet li bai immersed in which , when the songs of liquor 表隐逸君子的柴扉,在这一棵松树掩映下,诗人李白沉醉于其中,对酒当歌。
Cinema is a visual art , as film theorist bela balazs writes in his essay " der sichtbare mensch " in theory of the film : character and growth of a new art , " it is a spiritual experience which is rendered immediately visible without the intermediary words . . now the film is about to inaugurate a new direction in our culture 于七十年代期间,佐治鲁卡斯曾斟洽三船接拍星球大战star wars一片,希望他能出演obi wan即现在alec guiness的jedi master一角一角,但是却被三船拒绝,原因未明。